Included Content
Root Folder:
- folders theme-... - template variants (theme-angie, theme-lynda, ...);
- file index.html - page to select template variant (Demo 1, Demo 2, ...);
- folder screenshots - screenshots of template variants.
CSS Files:
- theme-.../theme-custom.css - defines colors. You can generate this file by Customize Panel;
- theme-.../styles/style.css - defines all other styles - layouts, sizes, fonts etc.
Background Files:
- folders theme-.../images/bg - background images;
- folders theme-.../video - background video.
Javascript Files:
- theme-.../scripts contains scripts of this template;
- theme-.../bower_components contains Bower libraries;
- theme-.../lib contains other javascript libraries.
Less Files:
- Less files theme-.../styles/style.less may be used to generate theme-.../styles/style.css by the less pre-processor;
- Less files theme-.../styles/themes/theme-....less may be used to generate theme-.../styles/themes/theme-....css by the less pre-processor.